Different "sources" produce different species, and the differences in people also come from this.
The current gene chain also thinks so. But the root of all things, i.e. the "source," has not been found.
The Tower of Gold is used as a representative to illustrate the human mind for 5,000 years; The first, it is a summary of ancient thinking. The second, humans have been exploring. It can be seen that the intelligence of human beings in ancient times far exceeds that of current humans.
Of course, it seems incredible to some, but the root cause is from one dot, only that, humans, who perhaps have changed from a four-legged species to a bipedal species, and this change is completely due to the explosion inside the sun, and the surface of the earth receives different light-wave caused.
It can also to say, eat and drink every day of human being, which all belongs to the destruction and regeneration of the same species
The DNA of each species seems different from that of humans in the today, but this is only the surface, because human technology has not yet been able to discover its "source".
Perhaps human beings can clearly understand, the fundamentals and changes of human beings at present, under the traditional cultural heritage of the world, the ignorance of science and technology is only a product of the obscurantism thinking chaos.
Zan Song
Executive Director
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Future-Tech workshop |
Anshan Baihe Jian Consulting LLC. (Mainland·China)
----------------- 繁體 ------------------
在很久很久以前,天地混沌; 突然,一個星體內部發生大爆炸,產生出巨大的能量,向周邊星體發出熾熱的能量。
當下基因鏈也是這麼認為的。 但其萬物的根本,即:「源」沒有找到而已。
以金子塔為代表來說明5千年的人類思維,其一,是上古的思維的總結。 其二,人類一直在探索。 可知人累上古祖先的智慧遠超當下的人類。
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未來科技諮詢室 |
2022年11月23日星期三 1 3:26